Information about the new EU partnership “Innovative Materials for EU”
Extra Mötesplats Rydberg with Lars Montelius, Professor emeritus, Solid State Physics/ NanoLund
The new EU partnership program “Innovative Materials for EU” focuses on
the development of new advanced materials for the green transition in key
sectors such as energy, electronics, mobility and construction. The idea of
the program is to bring together various cross-functional areas to drive
research and innovation forward, with an emphasis on sustainable and safe
solutions and material modeling.
Participants in the partnership will have good opportunities to influence
programs and future innovation initiatives and directions. The proposed
budget for the final years of the current FP9 is 500 million Euros – and the
ideas for FP10 are not yet decided.
Please join the seminar and listen to a presentation of the partnership - and
the journey from the idea several years ago, through the AMI 2030 Manifesto,
and to today's proposed partnership – and what it can mean for us in Lund in
terms of collaborations and projects. The partnership program is under
development and is looking for committed parties!
About the event
Rydberg lecture hall
info [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se