Seminar: GenerationNano - Nanoscience doctoral training to address societal challenges in materials science, biomedicine and energy
Everyone is welcome to the public part of the seminar!
Please register for lunch baguettes at this link (before 9 Sept 12:00):
9.00 Arrivals and coffee
9:25 Welcome by Heiner Linke
9:30 – 10:30
Elham Akbari (Tegenfeldt group, Solid State Physics) - Separation of bacteria based on their size and morphology
Esra Yilmaz (Tegenfeldt group, Solid State Physics) - Sorting of cancer cells based on their mechanical properties
Jing Hu (Linse & Sparr groups, Physical Chemistry) - Amyloid beta and GM1 interaction?
Rohit Yadav (Timm group, Synchrotron Radiation Research) – Surfaces at the atomic scale
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 11:45
Chandni Babu (Zigmantas group, - Time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy
Edoardo Amarotti (Pullerits group, - Coherent spectroscopy for new quantum solar energy solution
Huaiyu Chen (Wallentin group, Synchrotron Radiation Research) - X-ray methods for photon detection
Matteo Tirrito (Borgström group, Solid State Physics) – Nanowire/perovskite solar cell integration
11:45 – 13:00 Lunch break (Baguettes for those who have registered)
13:00 – 14:00
Mehran Sedrpooshan (Westerström group, Synchrotron Radiation Research) - Engineered Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanochains
Pau Ternero (Messing group, Solid State Physics)- Production of novel multifunctional hybrid nanomaterials based on aerosol-generated nanoparticles
Marie Bermeo (Messing group, Solid State Physics) - Designing catalytic chips based on GaP nanowires and Pd particles
Yue Zhao (Borgström group, Solid State Physics) - Charge diffusion induced nanowire LEDs
14:00 End of public part
14:15 – 15:00
Closed discussion of the GenerationNano fellows and supervisors about the secondments
(sharing of experiences, or plans for secondments, respectively)
About the event
k-space, physics department
Gerda [dot] Rentschler [at] ftf [dot] lth [dot] se