Career Opportunities
Kick-start your career in interdisciplinary nanoscience and nanotechnology
A key success factor for NanoLund is our wide sharing of equipment that allows everyone – from doctoral students to new faculty – to access an incredibly wide range of capabilities within characterization, fabrication, and modelling, from the day they start working with us. NanoLund always welcomes applications from outstanding candidates for master’s projects, doctoral studies, or postdoctoral work. Welcome with your application!
We offer:
- a creative, world-class interdisciplinary research environment for fundamental and applied nanoscience
- state-of-the-art infrastructure for the fabrication and characterization of nanostructures
- a strong international nanoscience network
- a highly regarded scientific education
- internships in nanotechnology industry
- intellectual property training
- family-friendly living conditions and a high degree of social security
- a competitive salary and full employment contracts for doctoral students and postdocs
Current vacancies in NanoLund research groups
All positions are regularly posted in the Lund University recruitment system. Vacancy announcements within NanoLund are listed below. To apply for a position, click the Login and Apply button in the vacancy announcement, and you will be guided to the recruitment system.
Postdoctoral fellow in Physics within THz-electron spin resonance-ellipsometry
Project: The aim of this postdoctoral project is to conduct research in THz material analysis to expand the scope of THz ellipsometry and optical Hall effect to electron spin resonance ellipsometry. The method will mainly be applied in materials science, in particular for the investigation of crystal phases and defects in semiconductors. In addition to nitride material systems, a focus area will be Ga2O3 and other ultrawide bandgap semiconductors.
Group leader: Professor Vanya Darakchieva, Solid State Physics
Application deadline: 31 January 2025
Complete vacancy and online application
Director for the EU project Swedish Chips Competence Centre
Lund University is recruiting a project manager who will lead the Swedish Chips Competence Centre (SCCC) within the framework of the EU Chips Joint Undertaking Programme. The main tasks of SCCC will be to develop activities and services for companies within the semiconductor area to make sure that they benefit from the ongoing joint European investments into semiconductor technologies. Activities and services will be based on the needs and wishes of companies in Sweden and within Europe. SCCC will be developed with resources both from academia and from other research and development infrastructures in Europe.
The tasks include:
- Management support for the development and implementation of strategic collaboration processes in semiconductor technology - nationally as well as internationally aimed at both business and public stakeholders.
- Support in planning and implementation of activities and contact creation in co-operation with external partners.
- In collaboration with the consortium's economist, ensure that budget and financial reporting of projects is done in accordance with the funders' directives. Other types of reporting may also be included.
- Communication of ongoing activities both internally and externally, for example via website and other channels. The work is carried out in close co-operation with communicators at the consortium.
- Attracting and engaging external partners for activities and collaborations.
- Planning, organising and evaluating events aimed at the needs of the intended customers and representing the projects externally.
The position is located in Lund University Collaboration office that brings together 28 employees with different subject backgrounds and expertise in collaboration, project management and communication - to support the university in the development of strategic collaborations and collaboration platforms.
Contact: Lisa Thelin, Head of LU Collaboration office
Application deadline: 17 February 2025
Complete vacancy (in Swedish) and online application
Would you like to have your vacancy posted here? Please send an e-mail to webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (webmaster[at]nano[dot]lu[dot]se).

HR Excellence in Research
Lund University has received EU’s certification, HR Excellence in Research, for its dedication to support career development of researchers.
Doctoral studies
Career development
Lund University offers a broad range of activities for doctoral students, postdocs and research team leaders to promote career development.
Career development for academic staff on Lund University Staff Pages
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Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for Sustainability
The Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE) is the largest-ever investment in materials science in Sweden and will encompass major efforts at six of Sweden’s leading universities over the course of (at least) 10 years.

Master thesis projects available
Need help finding the right NanoLund supervisor for your project? Browse the topics currently available.