Annual Meetings
Every autumn we celebrate our scientific results by arranging a symposium on a specific focus theme, with invited talks by leading scientists, local presentations, and a large poster session on NanoLund research. We are very happy to offer invitations also to friends, collaborators and associated institutions of NanoLund.
Annual meeting 2025
Save the date: Wednesday October 8th, at the Loop. More information is to come!
Annual meeting 2024
In 2024 the NanoLund Annual Meeting was held on 8 October at Scandic Star Hotel in Lund. Program chairs were Martin Leijnse and Jonas Tegenfeldt, and the theme of the meeting was computing and nano in a broad sense. This included using new computational methods such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to benefit nanoscience research and using nanoscience to create new computational paradigms, including biological-, neuromorphic- and quantum computing.
The programme can be seen under “past annual meetings”, and a list of the posters presented at the meeting can be found here.