Quantum physics
From fundamental physics to applications by describing and observing quantum phenomena.
In nanostructured systems pronounced quantum behavior can be observed. We develop the theoretical tools to better describe few and many-body quantum systems in the presence of correlations and coherence, and we use advanced nanodevices to experimentally observe these effects. The goals are the discovery of new quantum physics and its potential future use in advanced quantum devices.
On this page:
- Subareas within Quantum physics
- Publications
- Recent PhD-theses relevant to Quantum physics
- Key faculty in Quantum physics
Subareas within Quantum physics
- Transport physics
We focus on experimental and theoretical studies of the transport physics and application aspects of nanostructures and quantum devices made from semiconductor heterostructures and nanowires, as well as emerging new materials. - Quantum technology
An ability to utilize quantum resources like the superposition of states and entanglement opens completely new perspectives for technology. The research focus of both experiment and theory is on generating and controlling long-lived coherent states and entanglement in different systems on the nanoscale. - Nanothermodynamics
We employ quantum thermodynamics to develop new paradigms for energy conversion and quantum devices at the nanoscale, where thermal and quantum fluctuations may conspire to profoundly alter the physical properties. We set focus on interacting few- or many-particle quantum systems where the effects of quantum correlations, fluctuation statistics and quantum coherence lead to fundamentally new physics when reaching truly microscopic sizes far from the thermodynamic limit. - Quantum optics
Quantum optics describes how individual quanta of light, the photons, interact with atoms, molecules and larger pieces of matter. We focus on studies of light interacting with nanoscale systems, in both experiment and theory. Our motivation for this is to create and study hybridized quantum states between electrons and photons. We also aim for example to increase the coherence of these states and their interaction strength to build electro-optical systems, devices and sensors.
- Jonatan Fast, Hot-carrier extraction in nanowires, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University 2023
- David Barker, Information Thermodynamics and Fluctuations in Quantum Dots, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University 2022
- Sven Dorsch, Transport in nanowire-based quantum dot systems: Heating electrons and confining holes, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University 2022
- Alex Arash Sand Kalaee, The Struggles of Light Bound in Matter: Modelling Optical Excitations in Nanostructures, PhD thesis, Faculty of Science, Lund University 2021
- Qian Li, Quantum memory development and new slow light applications in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University 2018.
- Christian Bergenfeldt, Transport effects in hybrid circuit QED structures, PhD thesis, Faculty of Science, Lund University 2014
Topical meetings Quantum
Topic: Quantum Physics
Date: Fridays, bi-weekly
Time: 9:00 - 10:00
Place: k-space, Fysicum
Organizers: Maximilian Nitsch