Image Competition for NanoLundians
NanoLund is always in need of attractive and informative images and photos for use in reports, on our website, in presentations, and in other external and internal communication. Whether it is a new Annual Report or a Christmas card, it is always appreciated with pictures from the actual activities in our organisation. For this reason, we hereby announce an image competition for the best images and photos related to research performed by NanoLundians.
All colleagues at NanoLund are invited to submit entries for this competition. All kinds of images related to research and education are eligible, including but not limited to microscopy photos, sketches, drawings, data representations, photos of our work and study environment, movies, and animations.
Two categories
Entries will be evaluated in two categories “Most aesthetically appealing image” and “Best visual communication of scientific content”. In addition to honour and visibility, the first, second and third prizes in each category will be a wall-ready print of your picture. Entries will be judged by a jury, chaired by Anna Stenstam from the NanoLund External Advisory Council. Even if you do not win any prize, there is a good chance of increased visibility of your image and research by contributing to the image competition.
By submitting an image in this competition, you certify that you are the copyright owner of this image and that you give NanoLund and Lund University permission to use the image, with appropriate credit to you as the creator of the image, in all forms of internal and external communication, including but not limited to all forms of electronic and printed media such as on web sites, electric monitors, information flyers, as indoor decoration, and in reports for internal or for public use.

How to participate
- Submit your entry in high resolution in a common electronic format (PNG, TIF, JPEG, and such) to info [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (info[at]nano[dot]lu[dot]se)
- Include a short text (100 words or less) describing the image and its scientific context, including a reference to a journal paper where suitable
- Image, image quality, and descriptive text will be judged as a whole
- Has the image been published before? If so, please provide the journal reference for copyright reasons
- Deadline: 17 January 2024
- Contact: Communications Officer Evelina Lindén, evelina [dot] linden [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (evelina[dot]linden[at]lth[dot]lu[dot]se)