PhD Theses from students within NanoLund
Here, we have collected doctoral theses from PhD students within the NanoLund environment (2020 onward). All are directly linked to the library record, where bibliographic information and full texts are available.
2024 PhD theses
Wu, R. Regulation of insulin secretion in diabetes: Molecular mechanism and applications. PhD thesis, Diabetes - Islet Patophysiology, March 2024.
2023 PhD theses
Fast, J. Hot-carrier extraction in nanowires. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, January 2023.
Önder, DE. Dynamical Analysis of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers. PhD thesis, Mathematical Physics, May 2023.
Garigapati, NS. Radio Frequency InGaAs MOSFETs. PhD thesis, Nano Electronics, September 2023.
Kelpsiene, E. Understanding hazards of nanoplastics using Daphnia magna. PhD Thesis, Biochemistry and Structural Biology, October 2023.ogy, October 2023.
Larsson, A. The Formation and Breakdown of Passive Film on Ni Alloys: in situ synchrotron studies. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, December 2023.
2022 PhD theses
Liu, Y. Surface modification of III-V nanostructures studied by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. PhD Thesis,
Synchrotron Radiaiton Research, May 2022.
2021 PhD theses
2020 PhD theses
Fredrik Lindelöw: III-V Nanowires for High-Speed Electronics. PhD Thesis, Nano Electronics, May 2020
Martin Josefsson: Quantum-Dot Heat Engines. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, May 2020