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PhD Theses from students within NanoLund

Here, we have collected doctoral theses from PhD students within the NanoLund environment (2020 onward). All are directly linked to the library record, where bibliographic information and full texts are available.

2024 PhD theses

Picture of the covers of four of the year's theses

Johansson, T. Nanotools for biosensing and manipulating cells. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, January 2024. 

Olausson, P. III-V Devices for Emerging Electronic Applications. PhD thesis, Nano Electronics, January 2024.

Jash, A. Photoluminescence Studies of Polytype Heterostructured InP Nanostructures. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, February 2024.

Alcer, D. Single Junction and Tandem Junction Nanowire Solar Cells. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, March 2024.

Wu, R. Regulation of insulin secretion in diabetes: Molecular mechanism and applications. PhD thesis, Diabetes - Islet Patophysiology, March 2024.

Bolano Losada, I. Modeling Photofunctional Transition Metal Complexes. PhD thesis, Computational Chemistry, April 2024.

Annby-Andersson, B. Continuous measurements of small systems: Feedback control, thermodynamics, entanglement. PhD thesis, Mathematical Physics, May 2024.

Lindvall, R. Wear Mechanisms in Cutting Tools for Machining Applications : Interfacial Phenomena, Characterization, and Relation to Performance. PhD thesis, Production and Materials Engeneering, May 2024.

Ortigosa-Pascual, L. Amyloid Oligomers: Capturing the threat between disorder and order. PhD thesis, Biochemistry and Structural Biology, May 2024.

Thuresson, S. When the air went viral: Exploring SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols during the covid-19 pandemic. PhD thesis, Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, May 2024.

Zhang, Y. Advancing X-ray imaging with deep learning : Physics-inspired reconstruction approaches. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, June 2024.

Bathke, EK. Structures and Solvation in Deep Eutectic Solvents. PhD thesis, Inorganic Chemistry, June 2024.

Jeddi, H. InP/InAsP Quantum Discs-in-Nanowire Array Photodetectors: Design, Fabrication and Optical Performance. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, August 2024

Adham, K. Charge Carrier Diffusion Induced Light Emitting Diodes. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, September 2024

Gustavsson, D., Laser Frequency Stabilization Using a Slow Light Cavity. PhD thesis, Atomic Physics, September 2024

Irish, A., Interface Modification and Characterization of Nanostructured Semiconductors : A Bridge to Contemporary Electronics. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, September 2024

Yang, S. Multiphase Flow Dynamics: Insights from Single Microchannels to Porous Media with Uniform and Hierarchical Microchannel Networks. PhD thesis, Heat Transfer, September 2024

Gajdek-Vivar, D. , P. Structural changes in model oxide catalysts studied by operando XAFS. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, October 2024

Stürmer, P. The Hallmarks of Superfluidity in Exotic Phases of Bose Gases : Self-bound Droplets, Mixed Bubbles and Supersolids. PhD thesis, Mathematical Physics, October 2024

Wallander, H., Structure, oxidation, and catalytic activity of platinum-tin surfaces. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, October 2024

Broman, A. Acoustic Trapping of Extracellular Vesicles. PhD thesis, Biomedical Engineering, November 2024

Lindberg, M. The Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Amyloid Beta Peptide. PhD thesis, Protein Chemistry, November 2024

Alshemi, A. Tuning Interactions in Correlated Electron Systems: From Two-Band Superconductivity to Quasi-1D Spin Chains. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, December 2024

Eriksson Skog, A. Interactions of intrinsically disordered peptides with phospholipid bilayers. PhD thesis, Computational Chemistry, December 2024

Picture of the cover of four PhD theses from 2024

2023 PhD theses

Low resolution image of four thesis covers from 2023

Abbondanza, G. Ordered arrays of low-dimensional Au and Pd: synthesis and in situ observations. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, January 2023.

Fast, J. Hot-carrier extraction in nanowires. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, January 2023.

Hill, D. Development of Models, Methods, and Materiel for Deep Tissue Imaging using Light, Ultrasound, and Spectral-Hole Burning. PhD thesis, Atomic Physics, January 2023.

Alsafadi, H. N. Role of the co-transcriptional regulators Yap/Taz in the normal and fibrotic lung epithelia. PhD thesis, Department of Experimental Medical Science, February 2023.

Sayre, M. Neural correlates of diverse navigational strategies. PhD thesis, Functional Zoology, February 2023.

Ström, O. Microfluidic Preparation and Transport of Long DNA using Pillar Arrays. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, February 2023.

Alte, R. , Ferroelectric Memristors - Materials, Interfaces and Applications. PhD thesis, EDepartment of Electrical and Information Technology, March 2023.

Sjögren, MP. Structure of the distal lung studied with inhaled nanoparticles. PhD thesis, Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, March 2023.

Dierks, H.  X-ray Phase Contrast Tomography: Setup and Scintillator Development. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation, May 2023.

Önder, DE. Dynamical Analysis of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers. PhD thesis, Mathematical Physics, May 2023.

Suchan, K. Life and Death of Mixed Metal Halide Perovskites: Mechanism and Consequences of Light Induced Halide Segregation in MAPb(I,Br)3. PhD thesis, Chemical Physics, May 2023.

Hammarberg, S. Strain Mapping of Single Nanowires using Nano X-ray Diffraction. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, June 2023.

Menon, H., Infrared Photodetectors based on InSb and InAs Nanostructures via Heterogeneous Integration-Rapid Melt Growth and Template Assisted Selective Epitaxy. PhD thesis, Nano Electronics, June 2023.

Silva, IA. Development of techniques to determine extracellular matrix alterations in acute and chronic lung diseases and bioengineered tissues. PhD thesis, Experimental Medical Science, June 2023.

Unksov, I. Artificial protein molecular motors and fluorescence enhancement in nanowires for biosensing. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, June 2023.

Garigapati, NS. Radio Frequency InGaAs MOSFETs. PhD thesis, Nano Electronics, September 2023.

Andersson, A. Fluorescence microscopy studies of interactions between monomeric α-Synuclein and lipid membranes. PhD Thesis, Department of Chemistry, October 2023.

Benter, S. Adventures of III-V Semiconductor Surfaces. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, October 2023.

Gilbert, J., Unravelling the structure and dynamics of lipid nanoparticles for biomolecule delivery. PhD thesis. Physical chemistry, October 2023.

Kelpsiene, E. Understanding hazards of nanoplastics using Daphnia magna. PhD Thesis, Biochemistry and Structural Biology, October 2023.ogy, October 2023.

Lindh, L. Photophysics and Photochemistry of Iron Carbene Complexes. PhD thesis, Chemical Physics, October 2023.

Sjökvist, R. In-situ Study of the Growth, Composition and Morphology of III-V Semiconductor Nanowires. PhD thesis,Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, October 2023.

Tsintzis, A. Electronic structure and transport in exotic nanostructures. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, October 2023.

Charan, MR. Characterization and Separation of Suspension Cells by Isoacoustic Focusing. PhD thesis, Biomedical Engineering, November 2023.

Ptasinski, V. Alveolar Progenitor Cells in Lung Damage and Regeneration in Pulmonary Fibrosis. PhD thesis, November 2023.

Surendiran, P. Nanodevice development for network-based biocomputation: Scaling up and performance optimization. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, November 2023.

Franzén, S. Design and development of solid-state nanostructures for catalysis. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, December 2023.

Larsson, A. The Formation and Breakdown of Passive Film on Ni Alloys: in situ synchrotron studies. PhD thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, December 2023.

Ranni, A. Correlations mediated by Cooper pairs in single-electron devices. PhD thesis, solid state physics, December 2023.

Snellman, M. Aerosol Synthesis and Characterization of Heterogeneous Bimetallic Nanoparticles. PhD thesis, Solid State Physics, December 2023.

Low resolution image of four more theses from 2023

2022 PhD theses

Collage 1 of thesis cover pages 2022.

Forni, M. Interactions with pain-related systems - Towards new electrical treatments for chronic pain. PhD Thesis,   Neuronano Research Center, December 2022.

Louis, B. Multi-dimensional imaging: A tool to unravel material properties at the nanoscale. PhD Thesis, Joint doctorate, Chemical Physics (Lund University) and Chemistry (KU Leuven), November 2022.

Barker, D. Information Thermodynamics and Fluctuations in Quantum Dots. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, December 2022.

Dam, T. The influence of adhesion molecules on binding and protein organization in cell contacts. PhD Thesis, Physical Chemistry, November 2022.

Boix, V. Graphene: Applications in Surface Science Studies. PhD Thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, October 2022.

Lin, W. Excited state dynamics in low-dimensional perovskite nanocrystals. PhD Thesis, Chemical Physics, November 2022.

Liu, Y-P. Surfaces and interfaces of low dimensional III-V semiconductor devices. PhD Thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, September 2022. 

Chouliara, M. Binding Kinetics of Proteins at Immune-Cell Contacts. PhD Thesis, Physical Chemistry, September 2022

Dorsch, S. Transport in nanowire-based quantum dot systems: Heating electrons and confining holes, PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, June 2022.

Södergren, L. InGaAs Nanowire and Quantum Well Devices. PhD Thesis, Department of Electrical and Information Technology, June 2022.

Liu, Y. Surface modification of III-V nanostructures studied by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. PhD Thesis,
Synchrotron Radiaiton Research, May 2022.

Alqedra, M. Towards Single-Ion Detection and Single-Photon Storage in Rare-Earth-Ion-Doped Crystals. PhD Thesis, Atomic Physics, May 2022.

Bengtsson, A.. Material and technique development for ultrasound optical tomography using spectral hole burning filters. PhD theis, Atmoic Physics, May 2022.

Hrachowina, L. Growth and Characterization of Tandem-Junction Photovoltaic Nanowires. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, May 2022.

D Acunto, G. Reaction Mechanisms and Dynamics in the Early Stage of High-κ Oxide Atomic Layer Deposition: Investigations by In Situ and Operando X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy. PhD Thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, April 2022.

Nilsson Tengstrand, M. Superfluidity and Supersolidity in Ultracold Atomic Gases Beyond Mean Field. PhD Thesis, Mathematical Physics, March 2022.

Paulus, A. Shining infrared light on amyloid structures in neurodegenerative proteinopathies. PhD Thesis, Department of Experimental Medical Science, March 2022.

Makasewicz, K. α-synuclein interactions with lipid membranes. PhD Thesis, Department of Chemistry, February 2022.

Thacker, D. Understanding secondary nucleation of the amyloid β peptide. PhD Thesis, Biochemistry and Structural Biology, February 2022.

Sayre, M. Neural correlates of diverse navigational strategies. PhD Thesis, Functional Zoology, February 2022.

Gren, L. Renewable diesel fuels and emission control strategies: Implications for occupational exposure, human health, and the environment. PhD Thesis, Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, January 2022.

Collage 2 of thesis cover pages 2022.


2021 PhD theses

Collage of 4 thesis cover pages frpm 2021

Andersen, C: Cookstoves, Candles, and Phthalates – Real Time Physicochemical Characterization and Human Exposure to Indoor Aerosols. PhD Thesis, Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, April 2021.

Bulbucan, C: Characterization of Magnetic Nanoscale Systems: From Molecules to Particles and Self-Assembled Chains. PhD Thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Physics, December 2021.

Dubackic, M: alpha-synuclein: amyloid fibrils and interactions with lipid membranes. PhD Thesis, Physical Chemistry, December 2021.

Frankel Willén, R: Co-assembly of proteins and lipids: From lipodiscs to amyloid aggregates. PhD Thesis, Physical Chemistry, November 2021.

Geijselaers, I.: Optical studies of crystal phase heterostructures. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, September 2021.

Honarfar, A: Charge Carrier Dynamics in Novel Solar Materials: Ultrafast Spectroelectrochemistry. PhD Thesis, Chemical Physics, January 2021.

Larsson, J: Tailoring the self-assembly, interfacial properties and rheological behaviour of sugar-based surfactants. PhD Thesis, Physical Chemistry, January 2021.

Lattanzi, V: Amyloid β peptide: from monomer solubility to fibril structure. PhD Thesis, Physical Chemistry, November 2021.

Leshchenko, E: Kinetic and thermodynamic modelling of ternary nanowire growth. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, October 2021.

Li, J: Effects of Environment on Charge Recombination in Organo-Metal-Halide Perovskite Observed by Photoluminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy. PhD Thesis, Chemical Physics, February 2021.

Linpe, W: Using Light to Probe Surface Electrochemical Processes. PhD Thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Physics, June 2021.

Löfstrand, A: Block Copolymer Nanolithography for Sub-50 nm Structure Applications. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, November 2021.

Malm, E: Numerical and experimental aspect of coherent lensless imaging. PhD Thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Physics, May 2021.

Mårtensson, E: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Modeling of Nanowire Growth. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, October 2021.

Mothander, K: Grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering as a tool to study curved biomembranes on nanostructured surfaces. PhD Thesis, Physical Chemistry, October 2021.

Kalaee, A. A. S: The Struggles of Light Bound in Matter: Modelling Optical Excitations in Nanostructures. PhD Thesis, Mathematical Physics, May 2021.

Shi, J: Nanoscale organization of luminescent materials and their polarization properties investigated by two-dimensional polarization imaging. PhD Thesis, Chemical Physics, June 2021.

Sivakumar, S: Understanding and Optimization of III-V nanowire growth in Aerotaxy. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, June 2021.

Wang, Z: Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy: Development of Efficient Data Acquisition and Analyses of Quantum Dot 2D Spectra. PhD Thesis, Chemical Physics, October 2021.

Wittenbecher, L: Time-Resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy: Development and Applications. PhD Thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Physics and Chemical Physics, October 2021.

Xu, H: Study the Influence of Quantum Interference on the Electrical Conductance and Thermoelectric Properties of Molecular Junctions: Synthesis and Thermoelectricity. PhD Thesis, Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, June 2021.

Collage of thesis cover pages 2021


2020 PhD theses

Cover pages of 4 PhD theses from students within NanoLon that defended in 2020

Qi Shi: Phase Modulation Two-Photon Microscopy of Hybrid Halide Perovskite. PhD Thesis, Chemical Physics, December 2020

Atena Malakpour Permlid: From a Road Less Travelled to a Worn Path: Three-Dimensional Tumour Models for Cancer Research and Therapeutics. PhD Thesis, Functional zoology, December 2020

Lert Chayanun: Nanowire devices for X-ray detection. PhD Thesis, Synchrotron Radiation Research, December 2020

Johan Agorelius: Development of highly biocompatible neuro-electronic interfaces  towards monitoring authentic neuronal signaling in the brain. PhD Thesis, Neuronano Research Center (NRC); December 2020

Calle Preger: Magnetic-field-directed Self-assembly of Multifunctional Aerosol Nanoparticles. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, November 2020

Xianshao Zou: Dynamics of Photogenerated Charge Carriers in III-V Bulk and Nanowire Semiconductors. PhD Thesis, Chemical Physics, October 2020

Malin Alsved: Transmission of Infectious Bioaerosols: Sources, transport and prevention strategies for airborne viruses and bacteria. PhD Thesis, Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, September 2020

Mattias Törnquist: Secondary Nucleation in Amyloid Formation. PhD Thesis, Biochemistry and Structural Biology, June 2020

Marcus Tornberg: Dynamics of a Droplet that Assists III-V Nanowire Growth. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, May 2020

Karin Lovén: Exposing the Exposures - Assessing occupational aerosol exposures and their possible health and toxicological effects. PhD Thesis, Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, May 2020

Fredrik Lindelöw: III-V Nanowires for High-Speed Electronics. PhD Thesis, Nano Electronics, May 2020

Martin Josefsson: Quantum-Dot Heat Engines. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, May 2020

Florinda Viñas Boström: Theory of electronic structure and transport in heterostructure nanowires. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, May 2020

Axel Persson: Transmission Electron Tomography and In-situ Analysis of Nanowires. PhD Thesis, Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, March 2020

Gunnar Eriksson: Solitons, vortices and shell structure in ultracold atomic quantum systems. PhD Thesis, Mathematical Physics, March 2020

Mohammad Karimi: Infrared Photodetectors based on Nanowire Arrays with Embedded Quantum Heterostructures. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, February 2020

Vilhelm Malmborg: Characteristics of Particulate Emissions from Low Temperature Combustion and Renewable Fuels. PhD Thesis, Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, January 2020

Reza Jafari Jam: Advanced patterning and processing for III-V nanowire device fabrication. PhD Thesis, Solid State Physics, January 2020

Bahareh Goldozian: Interactions and Coherences in Electron Transport through Serially Coupled Quantum Dots. PhD Thesis, Mathematical Physics, January 2020

Cover pages of four PhD theses by students in the NanoLund environment