Mentoring programme
The NanoLund mentoring programme focuses on professional development for PhD students and postdocs. The programme aims to provide a flexible and tailored approach, allowing the mentees to discuss professional ambitions and challenges with mentors from outside their research group. The mentor plays an important role as an independent resource to guide and help the mentees to develop their full potential, beyond a supervisor’s perspective.
To prepare for the mentoring programme all NanoLund PhD students and postdocs are welcome to attend a Career development workshop. In the workshop participants learn how to identify their natural talents and also how to use for instance AI as a career guide. After the workshop applications to the actual mentoring programme are submitted. The mentees will be paired with a mentor before a second workshop which coincides with the programme kick-off. The second workshop focuses on how to make the most out of the mentor-mentee relationship and includes training on crafting "elevator pitches" and leveraging storytelling techniques for effective communication. Then the mentees and mentors meet regularly for an additional six months.
About the NanoLund Mentoring programme
Mentoring is a time-limited and goal-oriented process characterized by openness, trust, and commitment. In this Mentoring programme, the mentor and mentee are recommended to meet at least four times during the six months upon the mentee’s initiative. The work between the mentor and mentee is a mutual process which requires honesty from both sides. Strict confidentiality must be maintained to create trust and honest conversations.
A mentee is a NanoLund PhD student, typically mid-way through her/his studies, or a postdoc in his/her first year, who is interested in exploring her/his strengths and development needs. The mentee is ready to and take responsibility for her/his personal and professional development with the help of constructive feedback to support the next carrier steps.
As mentee you commit to:
- Participate in the two workshops.
- Plan and book meetings with the mentor – the mentor and mentee are expected to meet about four to five times during the programme.
- Take responsibility for the content of the mentoring session.
- Seek constructive feedback; accept new responsibilities and challenges.
- Be committed to taking actions planned with the mentor.
- Be considerate and respect their mentor’s time.
Register here for the 2025 careers development workshop
For more information contact NanoLund Education coordinator, Jens Uhlig.
NanoLund Education coordinators
Coordinators Education:
Coordinator PhD education: