External Advisory Council
In support of our relations with society at large, NanoLund has an external advisory council. The council has representatives from academia, industry and community organizations. It has a special focus on interactions with society and industry, on the long-term strategic aspects of the research, and on the impact and the relevance of the research for our future society.
Anna Hall
Business Development Manager, AlfaLaval
Anna Stenstam
CEO, CR Competence AB
Daniel Kronmann
Head of Unit (Innovation and Entrepreneurship), Region Skåne
Ebba Fåhraeus
CEO, SmiLe Incubator
Jan-Eric Sundgren
Chair of the Swedish Association of Advanced Material (SAAM)
Lars Börjesson
Professor at Chalmers University of Technology
Madelene Sandström
the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)