GenerationNano Admission Requirements
GenerationNano is a Marie-Curie Cofund doctoral programme offering exciting research at the forefront of nanoscience, full-time employment for four years, an international network of cooperation partners and a comprehensive course program.
The 14 PhD students that were recruited to the programme had to fulfill the MSCA mobility requirements on top of the general and specific admission requirements for PhD studies at Lund University. All requirements are described below.
Career opportunities for 14 PhD students
We recruited 14 doctoral students in three calls in the areas Materials Science, Quantum Physics, or Nanobiology. In addition to exciting research, the program includes a comprehensive training programme with courses in scientific as well as in transferable skills. We offer an international network of coollaboration partners from industry, academy and public authorities. The GenerationNano students will undertake secondments in the non-academic sector or abroad. Applicants were able to choose freely between one or more of the projects in the call.
Each call gave the applicants a choice between several positions. Positions can be placed in one of the research groups that are members in the NanoLund Strategic Research Area. All positions offer temporary full-time employment at Lund University and enrolment in doctoral studies. As an employed doctoral student, the GenerationNano members receive a salary according to the current salary level of the respective faculty/institution. The minimum gross salary is 28 200 SEK.
Only positions where the candidates fulfil the MSCA mobility requirements as well as the requirements for an early stage researcher are eligible for funding from GenerationNano. The other positions are funded by grants held by the prospective supervisor. Thus applicant who fulfilled (1) the general admission requirements for doctoral studies at Lund University as well as (2) the qualification requirements for the selected position and had (3) additional desirable skills that have been listed for each of the positions in the call were awarded funding from GenerationNano and are, thus, currently the 14 GenerationNano students.
Admission requirements (all positions)
Each open position has general and specific admission requirements. Each of the doctoral projects lists the code for the subject curriculum that lists the specific admission requirements.
General admission requirements
A person meets the general admission requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if he or she:
- has been awarded a second-cycle qualification, or
- has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second cycle, or
- has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
Additional admission requirements for all positions
Very good oral and written proficiency in English.
All students must be judged to have the potential to complete the programme
Further requirements depend on the PhD subject in which the student will be enrolled:
Physics, Engineering Faculty - LTH (TEFAFF00):
A person meets the specific admission requirements for third-cycle studies if he or she has:
• at least 30 second-cycle credits of relevance to the subject, of which at least 15 credits shall comprise a second-cycle degree project, or
• an MSc in engineering physics or an associated field, or a Master’s degree in physics or an associated field.
Physics, Science faculty (MNFYSI01)
A person meets the specific admission requirements for third-cycle studies if he or she has passed an independent project (e.g. degree project) of at least 30 credits in a relevant subject.
Equivalent knowledge acquired through corresponding programmes will be assessed individually. In order to enable interdisciplinary initiatives and important specialisations in certain areas, students with qualifications in subjects other than Physics may be considered for admission.
Chemical Physics (NAKEKF2)
A person meets the specific admission requirements for third-cycle studies in chemical physics if he or she has: at least 120 second-cycle credits in chemistry or physics of which at least 30 shall comprise a second-cycle degree project in chemical physics, physical chemistry, molecular physics or in relevant fields (for example Master project in physics, molecular spectroscopy, optics or equivalent; even basic knowledge in quantum mechanics as well as spectroscopy and data analysis is required). Equivalent knowledge acquired through corresponding programmes will be assessed individually.
Desirable skills
In addition, each position contains skills or knowledge that will be considered especially meriting. These are listed in the description of each position.
MSCA eligibility criteria
Mobility rule: Researchers may not have lived or worked in Sweden for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before GenerationNano's call deadline or the date of recruitment.
Only Early Stage Researchers are eligible to be part of the GenerationNano program. An Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) must at the date of recruitment or the deadline of GenerationNano's call be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research career and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree. Applicants that do not fulfil the MSCA eligibility criteria but are judged to be best qualified (based on the assessment of the criteria below) will be recruited to other grants than GenerationNano.
Basis of Assessment (all positions)
Selection to postgraduate studies is based on the expected ability to perform well in the studies. The evaluation of the ability to perform well is based primarily on the results of studies at the basic and advanced levels, in particular:
1. Knowledge and skills relevant to the thesis project and the subject of the study.
2. An assessment of ability to work independently and to formulate and tackle research problems.
3. Written and oral communication skills
4. Other experience relevant to postgraduate studies, such as professional experience.
Consideration will also be given to good collaborative skills, drive and independence, and how the applicant, through his or her experience and skills, is deemed to have the abilities necessary for successfully completing the third cycle programme.
The GenerationNano project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945378
Positions in the 1st call
The call was open from 23 March until 4 May 2020. Of the ten PhD students that were successfully recruited in this call, eight are eligible for GenerationNano funding.
- Smart nanomaterials for green-tech applications
- Characterization of nanostructured magnetic materials
- PhD project on information as fuel
- Photon detection & sustainable energy
- Ultrafast spectroscopy for new solar energy solutions
- Biomarker detection by optical sensing with nanowires
- Morphology and virulence among bacteria
- Multiscale biomechanics from molecules to cells in cancer
- Solubility of amyloid beta peptide (up to two positions)
- Nanoparticles in the brain: multitalented drug carriers to target neurodegenerative disease
Positions in the 2nd call
The call was open from 25 June to 25 August 2020. Six PhD students were recruited, among them five are eligible for GenerationNano funding. Three of the GenerationNano students have recently started their employment and the two remaining will start soon.
Position in the 3rd Call
The call was open from 11 February to 25 March 2021. One PhD student was recruited and started his employment in June 2021.