Virus interactions at the cell surface: forces, kinetics and diffusion
Seminar by Marta Bally, Umeå University
In my presentation, I will show how model membranes of varying complexity can be used in complement to virological investigations to study how viruses interact at the cell surface and how such interactions are optimized, on a molecular level, to promote efficient viral entry and infection. In this context, we employ single particle tracking together with atomic-force-microscopy-based force spectroscopy to study how virus attachment, detachment and diffusion is modulated at the cell surface.
Marta is visiting NanoLund as the opponent for Julia Valderas Gutiérrez' licentiate presentation earlier the same day.
About the event
k-space, Fys:Q179 Zoom link available
heiner [dot] linke [at] ftf [dot] lth [dot] se