2022 Nanoscience Colloquia
27 January 2022 15:15
Prof. Magnus Berggren, Linköping University.
Talk title: In-operando and in-vivo polymerization of trimers for neuromorphic and bioelectronic systems
Magnus Bergren's personal page: research profile, short bio and publications
24 May 2022 15:15
Please note that this time the colloquium will be held in the Rydberg lecture hall.
Dr. Esther Alarcón Lladó, AMOLF, Netherlands
Talk title: Managing light and matter at the nanoscale towards high efficiency solar energy conversion
Ester Alarcón Lladó's personal page at AMOLF
2 June 2022 15:15
This time, the colloquium will be in k-space, as usual.
Prof. Séverine le Gac, University of Twente, Netherlands
Talk title: Organ-on-chip models for medical applications
Séverine le Gac's personal page at the University of Twente
Organ-on-chip models for medical applications - see calendar for talk abstract
8 September 2022 14:00
Double Colloquium: Power- and RF-electronics (Umesh Mishra, UC Santa Barbara) and Human-centric LED-lighting (Anya Hurlbert, Newcastle University)
14:15 – 15:00 Colloquium 1: Power- and RF-electronics
Speaker: Umesh Mishra, UC Santa Barbara, USA
15:00 – 15:45: Colloquium 2: Human-centric LED-lighting
Speaker: Anya Hurlbert, Newcastle University, UK
8 December 2022 15:15
Prof. Anne Anthore, Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Université Paris-Saclay and CNRS
Talk title: Quantum heat transport and Coulomb interactions
Talk abstract in the NanoLund calendar
Homepage of the PHYNANO Group where Prof Anthore is a member