C3NiT, managed by Vanya Darakchieva has for the second time arranged its yearly meeting in Lund with great success together with industrial and academic partners. The updates on the six projects demonstrated that for HEMTs, improvements in growth and processing achieved ever higher breakdown voltages and reduction of electron trapping effects. Epitaxial growth has been improved for better doping control, higher power outputs and higher switching frequencies.
The young researchers took the scene for posters or short talks. This time, we tested for the first time fully digital posters, and everyone had good discussions. Invited guests were Qin Wang who updated us on Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Based Devices and Applications research performed at RISE. Also, Mats Alaküla discussed Power Electronics in Automotive Applications and Lars Palm presented the plans with the National Chips Competence centre. Industrial talks by Hexagem and United Monolithic Semiconductors revealed a long list of topics for collaboration between industry and academia. C3NiT celebrated being the core of the Swedish node of the imminent WBG pilot line, highlighted on the IVA 100 project list for 2024, a major achievement and recognition of C3NiT excellence.
The two other centres – ACT, managed by Lars-Erik Wernersson, and SENTIO, managed by Anders Mikkelsen – have now concluded their first year in operation. The centres have been inaugurated, work has been initiated together with partners and new PhD-students and post-docs are welcomed.
We look forward to their next steps. You can follow the centres’ activities on their websites and we will continue highlighting the achievements.
C3NiT – Janzén – Centre for III-nitride technology
ACT – Advanced Chip Technologies
Sentio Competence Centre